Dexter & Walter (and their Person, Kari)
The Tales of Pug People knew we’d scored a true Pug Person when we met Kari—she was wearing a pug shirt and pug slippers, but hadn’t...
Dexter & Walter (and their Person, Kari)
Duck & Chips (and their Person, Claudine)
The Pug Hotel (and their Person, Michelle)
Abby (and her People, Matteo & Maddox)
Francis (and his Person, Eve-Simone)
Pugsly (and his Person, Bebe)
Greta (and her Person, Tara)
Sammie Snuffles (and his Person, Sara)
Mila Kunis (and her Person, Carlito)
Poppy and Penelope (and their Person, Theresa)
Winston (and his Person, Leslie)
Hank (and his People, Amanda & Shea)
Louie (and his Person, Serena)
Odin (and his People, Heather & Arthur)
Petey (and his Person, Robin)
Larry (and his Person, Kari)
Walter (and his Person, Harper)
Humphrey (and his Person, Amanda)
Pug Sisters Create #pugpeopletales